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The national education, basically, is for all the people of this country without exception.
That is so, the presence of special schools (for the disabled and talented), and the school
vocational, in addition to public schools enough in number, will still remain very
needed. Especially the institutions of formal education for children who can not see, can not hear and speak of our need attention,
mekarnya for potential stored in himself. They will remain an alternative source of power
human, all-in limitations that are expected to contribute to the duty-loyalty
the triumph of the country. (Mulyadi, 2001)
The disabled, according to undangn Law No. 4 of 1997 is defined as “any
people who have fisisk aberration and / mentality that can disrupt or a hurdle
and obstacles for him to perform activities as “including the disabled
in this case is a physical disability, mental disability penyandnag, fiber and the physically disabled
Date set Dec. 3 as the UN International Day of the Disabled, which
beginning with the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. receive. 37/52 on the Program of Action
World for improving the quality of life of Disabled Persons on 3 December 1982. Resolution
stressed the importance of equality and opportunity in the effort to improve the quality of life
them, including in the field of education.
As citizens in general, people with disabilities also need
education. Education required by each person to improve the status and quality of life
them. Experience shows that the nation is a progressive nation that residents of communities
educated. The opportunity to get education for the disabled is very limited
than people who are not disabled. According to UNESCO, from 93 million children with disabilities aged
below 15 years old (the age of compulsory education) in the Asia and Pacific region, only 5 percent of the school.
Law No. 20 / 2003 on National Education System Article 1 states
that every citizen has the right to obtain the same quality education.
Meanwhile, Article 2 states that citizens have a difference of physical, emotional, mental,
intellectual, and / or social entitled to special education.
To implement the system of Extraordinary, formed SLB-A, not to be able to see, SLBB
tidsk to be heard, SLB-C, for the mentally disabled, D-SLB, to tunadaksa, SLB-E, and to tunalaras
SLB-G, for tunamenda. In the last school also developed inclusion, namely,
ordinary schools but the students receive with special characteristics.
Special schools for the disabled made on the consideration that the disabled
require special facilities and trained teachers who, because of their disability is a natural
barriers to get a normal education. That the disabled have
barriers to the education system ‘normal’ and require special facilities and teachers
trained with a certain method of teaching, is not possible diingkari. But the specificity
should not by their group in special institutions with a separated
students who are not disabled.
Criticism against the existence of special schools with disabilities have many get,
especially from among the disabled themselves. Placement in what is called “School
For the Disabled “, made the disabled is viewed as something that ‘other’ by
community: Even they are also ordinary citizens as community
another. Objection is well-founded, because the school is one of the agents of socialization in
the life of someone. In schools, students not only get the transformation of science and
skills, but also the values that apply in the community. Through the Social Interaction
school, a child can understand the differences between them, there is a rich, there is a
poor, there is a smart, there are lazy. They also see the similarities in the atmosphere
is different, that is their same students who are out of science.
In the differences and similarities, they also understand the camaraderie and
competition, a picture of the community. This understanding will be recorded in
their behavior and this is very important if the time they dive to the public soon.
Generally someone who experienced physical or mental aberration tend to less
confidence (minder). Grouping them in particular is considered to provide more security.
For the moment, a sense of security provided may be met, but limited in the environment.
On the other hand, the community demanded the disabled to live a ‘normal’. Special school
the disabled as we know this must be recognized not help the process of integration
sosioal the disabled, children with disabilities because they are not prepared to face the public
that indeed. Except that, children who are not disabled (which is a jump to the public), not
will understand the special needs and problems of the disabled is correct, because they
not accustomed to playing, learning and living with a disability.
That the schools are also special disability is not rare cause
difficulties for their efforts in improving the status and livelihood. Most special schools
disability education to a new level basis, only on some
secondary level. Problems arise if a graduate school for the Disabled means
to continue higher education, because there is no high school with disabilities.
High schools are generally not take into account the existence of the graduate school
these. At least this is not visible from the registration requirements, which among other mentions
“Licensed public schools.” Considered a matter of ‘strange’ if they sign up to the high school.
Then, with internal policy, which is a disability can go to school
Facts show that the disabled are present in the public school is able to achieve
performance that is not different from other students. Not rarely the performance of their students do not exceed
disability. The success with disabilities who receive recognition in the community, always colored by
education background is not for the Disabled.
Education is an integrated system of education that is more beneficial to the
improving the quality of life of the disabled, in the sense that not only switch placement
with disabilities to public schools, but also create a climate of teaching atmosphere that allows
with disabilities can develop their optimum potential. For example, create
teacher education curriculum that is flexible, that is to buy candidates with public school teachers
the ability to teach students that berkelainan. In addition, create a school environment
facilitate room for the disabled.
In the presence of people with disabilities should be considered as members mayarakat
the other is not disabled. Elander (in Jansen, 1998) describe 10 basic rules for living
integrated in the community, namely (1) the lives of families, the disabled must have the
the freedom to search for a spouse, children, families and establish their own, (2) where
shelter, (3) food, (4) school, (5) education and training, (6) leisure time, (7) services
community, (8) association, (9) economic opportunities, and (10) political participation. From ten
these rules can be classified five things that have an important role in
empower children with disabilities, namely (1) integration in the residence, (2) integrated
in the school, (3) integrated in the work, (4) integrated in social contact, and (5)
integrated in the human rights (jansen. 1998:4).
Many people who do not have the experience of children will be extraordinary
have stereotypes The stereotypical view of the extraordinary that the child is a child must be required
different with children who have not experienced any problems. Conditions such as by Hidayat
(1998:2) can provide a picture of a bleak and can hamper the fulfillment of the needs of children
This extraordinary.
In regard to education for children gimp, Warlock (in Hidayat, 1998:3)
make some recommendations about the education of children outside the normal, namely that they are not educated
based only on their specific aberration. But also because of the need to
special education. In addition integrate children with special needs into the
public school anywhere is possible and can be done. here the involvement of parents
is required. Parents have a right to ask for and engage in the
assasenment children and decide on school placement.
Parents play a role that is very important to encourage children
have the aberration. Specific dimiliklnya certainly require the attention of the
specifically for parents so that there is unity between the perspective of parents at home and with
teachers in the school.
Children for blind
Surprised there intervening takkala sad to see children who are born in the new situation
can not see. Every parent expects that the baby is able to see the world and all
contents such as the parents see. Parents would want a blind baby is able to
see the environment with a smile to the faces of the beam, turn toward the sound, and
movement, a movement other normal children.
Babies need to understand the blind lingkunganya is realistic. For the parents
have a very strategic role to improve the ability of children in the
dress what dilakukanya and adjust with the right behavior. In this case
for example, parents can encourage their children to be able to take the cup and meletakkanya
back in place after the drink is finished, rather than the child gives takkala
and ask the child when mengembalikanya have been completed. Although initially the parents enough
tanganya guide holding the surface of the table and help to handle more cangkirnya
recognizes it. All this is followed by a conversation with the events that are
Parents should move as early as possible attention to children in the hands of the blind
and legs, for example, put a bell on a small circle and tanganya feet, or with
motivate children to use the second tanganya holding a bottle or cup. In addition
using media that can toy sounds when touched and also not easy to get
can be used.
To increase children’s language development of the blind can be done by
introduce the names of objects in the hearing, Below, and be touched. Language that children can use
blind to be able to increase the exploration of lingkunganya. For blind children is
important to be able to absorb maximum information through penginderaanya and able
achieve independence and satisfaction as other children.
Children for deaf
In general, deaf children have a problem with the ability to deliver
oral language so that deaf children should be encouraged to develop sign language.
Despite the emphasis on the mastery of sign language this rise in pro konta
among experts. which agree to do sign language meaningful emphasis on the
that as part of the community and families who need the ability to communicate
with family members and the community takkala oral language ability is not adequate then
necessary skills so that the signal can be communication between the child with
other people. For that they must be given a system that encourages them able to communicate
effective and can capture information from other people.
While not agree that the emphasis on the provision of sign language explain that
the emphasis on the mastery of sign language will disrupt or reduce the control of the
oral language that is being learned (Hidayat, 1998:5). The emphasis on sign language will also be
limit the environmental association deaf children. This is because communication can only take place
with people who know and understand sign language is used.
Oral language deaf children can be developed in accordance with the conditions when they
given the maximum opportunity to develop skills that enable them
to communicate as much as possible. To develop the ability of deaf children in accordance
with potential, parents and teachers must provide opportunities since early in children to
get training for the hearing that they still have remaining hearing and learning
sign language. The process should be focused on the understanding of deaf children individually
so that parents and teachers need to be aware of the difference in travel deaf children.
Tuna Daksa for Children
In general, children, tuna is not only skilled physical aberration, but also
to the inability of the other are more individual. According to Hidayat (1988:8)
although the condition of tuna in the skilled but heavy children can develop tunadaksa
kognisinya ability, and able to understand the objects and people in the area,
but to be able to develop such tunadaksa children must always be given the opportunity to interact
with other people and the environment.
Permsalahan that many experienced during this ignorance is the parents that
children can develop. During this the problem is the development of children, tuna is skilled
the reluctance of parents to provide opportunities for children to interact with other people
and the surrounding environment. Most parents are very worried if their children interact with the
others, in addition to feelings of shame also fear that their children will maik even worse.
For this reason parents should disadarkan that smother their children with more
the development of the children will be decreased. Besides, should realize by parents
that interaction with other human beings and the environment around it is the most effective drugs for
Down for Children’s sindrome
Down on the children’s sindrome, indication of the occurrence of the symptoms of Down’s sindrome can
one known in the first year, this is different with the blind children and babies are normal
sometimes new known some time later. In people with Down’s children often sindrome
shows the pattern of physical development of children with the same normal, but in terms of speed
and hustle appear far behind.
Because of the differences have the intellectual development of children, especially as this must be
provided special services since early. The findings Cunningham and Sloper (1986), which states
that the baby’s Down sindrome obtain the services of early education before the age of 6 months
have the better year than Down’s children sindrome yangmendapatkan early education service after the age of 6 months. Thus, explain that
since early intervention is necessary.
Education services that can be done by parents, teachers and other experts psikoplogi
provide therapy that is integral both in the ability to talk, motor, and so forth. Guy
parents are very large role in this. Parents must provide a variety of exercises that diulangulang.
This is because of Down’s children sindrome not base itself on the pengtahuan known
previously. In the skills to teach the parents or teachers need to buckle once
with the age level of ability too. Besides Down’s children
Sindrome must dibiasakan in kehiodupan normal children. So that the process of interaction will be
waken natural aware that children will be able to grow.
Having a child with the category of exceptional character that it is indeed must
accepted by parents. Confusion, sorrow, shame often always descend parents
children experience aberration. But slowly over time many parents realize
that the pattern of such behavior will harm even parents, especially very harmful anakanaknya
Departure from reality, the parents really need to get all the help and
the information clearly and calm on the condition that faced by their children. The positive attitude of people
parents deemed to be determinants of the success of the empowerment of the children is extraordinary. For the people
parents must be given full information about how they can read the signs
motor activity since early childhood, the pendangan that is not realistic, and
the development of children. And on the other parents must be able to create the environment that can
to accommodate the needs of children in accordance with its potential. To build and conduct counseling
for parents to be cross-sectoral cooperation between parents, teachers, an expert in
With the increased capabilities and skills of parents in the same work
with teachers and experts, is expected parents will be able to think positive and give space
free to children to be able to interact with the surrounding environment. Besides,
parents will be contributed to peni8ngkatan learning and evaluating and
optimizing the function of organs sehingnga children can improve the development of visual perception,
motor, and kognisi children berkelaianan.
Are for teachers to be more responsive and more sensitive in dealing with children
berkelainan. Teachers must know how the development of each child, especially for children who have
aberration. Outstanding teachers will greatly determine the success or not this process of empowerment of children.
In exceptional empower children, the role of parents and teachers is vital. Role
parents and teachers is very strategic in the achievement of the goal of empowering children extraordinary. So that
kelaian children who are able to achieve independence and make adjustments
the social role that can be normal for children without deviation.
Empowerment of exceptional children will be able to achieve optimal results when parents and
teachers have a positive attitude towards the presence of children with kelaianan tersebutu. During this attitude
negtif often is the parents themselves. Parents who do not have pengelaman with pribdi
berkelaianan children who, in general, surprised, hide, deny the existence of children,
and often have pndangan not realistic to the fact that happen. The attitude
as this issue is not even completed a new primarily a problem associated with efforts
empowerment of children extraordinary. For that, the positive attitude must be created and owned by the people
parents so that children can develop and achieve the potential expense.

December 11, 2008 - Posted by | relaxed, Uncategorized


  1. please give the address you?

    Comment by bad | December 17, 2008

  2. to tell

    Comment by rizpix | January 3, 2009

  3. thank hopefully help to article

    Comment by rizpix | January 9, 2009

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